Raphael Samuel, Anesthesiologist, Christian Apologist

Raphael Samuel, Anesthesiologist, Christian Apologist

Wes is a wonderful asset to the church, a contender for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints- a bona fide scholar, with a diverse knowledge base extending from ancient Greek biblical manuscripts to contentious contemporary social issues. Unlike many scholars though, he is an effective, erudite communicator of this knowledge, wielding it with wit and wisdom, yet always speaking truth in love. Wes has great online resources, but is a greater resource in person. I am thankful for his ministry and his partnership in the gospel.

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Mikel Del Rosario, Associate Professor of Bible and Theology, Moody Bible Institute

Mikel Del Rosario,  Associate Professor of Bible and Theology, Moody Bible Institute

“Wes is a like-minded apologist who can translate key takeaways of technical New Testament scholarship and Gospel studies for general audiences. He's a scholar who's relatable and gifted at communicating truth in a range of contexts, including social media. I've personally used his creative infographics in my teaching ministry!”

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Jim Parker, Retired Professor and associate Dean of Worldview and Culture at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, current Director of The Trinity institute

Jim Parker, Retired Professor and associate Dean of Worldview and Culture at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,  current Director of The Trinity institute

“Wesley Huff is a gifted thinker, clear communicator, and articulate defender of the faith. More so, Wesley cares deeply about the heart of the hearer, desiring all he engages with not only to believe facts about Jesus but to truly believe in Jesus. I highly recommend Wes to any church or organization looking for a godly man in Christ to defend against objections and equip believers for the sake of the Kingdom.”

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Kirk Durston, biophysicist, philosopher, speaker, writer, and researcher with Power Power Change Canada

Kirk Durston, biophysicist, philosopher, speaker, writer, and researcher with Power Power Change Canada

"I have been very encouraged and impressed by Wes’s commitment to the Lord and to his family. He is articulate, clear-thinking, and dedicated to quality, first-class scholarship. Wes has the kind of qualities that are needed for the next generation of men who will represent Christ in our culture and give a defence for the hope that is within all those who follow Jesus Christ.”

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Jonathan McLatchie, Fellow at the Discovery Institute, Director of TalkAboutDoubts.com

Jonathan McLatchie, Fellow at the Discovery Institute, Director of TalkAboutDoubts.com

"Wesley Huff is a most-needed voice in the church today. He is an erudite scholar, careful researcher, and articulate public communicator, with a winsome personality. His passion to train and equip others with knowledge relating to the evidences of the historic Christian faith, in particular as it relates to the reliability and textual integrity of the New Testament, is inspiring. His chief motivations are to clear away intellectual stumbling blocks that prevent people from responding to the gospel, and to prepare others to do the same. Wesley is also humble and gracious, exemplifying the spirit of 1 Peter 3:15’s instruction to defend the faith with ‘gentleness and respect’. I cannot recommend him highly enough to any church or organization wanting to stretch their thinking and equip themselves with answers to tough questions concerning the veracity of Biblical faith."

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Tim Barnett, Stand to Reason speaker

Tim Barnett, Stand to Reason speaker

I have a confession to a make. When I have a question about the Bible, I go directly to my friend Wesley Huff. Wes is a rising-star in the apologetics world. He’s not just another academic. He’s an academic who knows how to communicate. In fact, each of his presentations offer the perfect blend of knowledge, humour, and impressive visuals that will leave you engaged from start to finish. If you’re looking for a speaker for your next event, then your search is over.

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Ian Hugh Clary, assistant professor of historical theology, Colorado Christian University

 Ian Hugh Clary, assistant professor of historical theology, Colorado Christian University

Wes Huff is a Christian committed to Christ and his church, and an apologist for the Christian faith. He does a fantastic job at melding his love for Christ with his defense of the faith---it is no mere intellectual exercise for him. During my time in Toronto I always appreciated the way Wes served both the spiritual and rational parts of our congregation. He could speak as easily about God and his existence in a lecture as could he speak to God in prayer meeting. It's this combination of the heart and the mind that make Wes' approach to apologetics so useful.

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Andy Bannister, Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity 

Andy Bannister, Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity 

“Wes Huff is a gifted thinker, a clear communicator, and a passionate evangelist, with a desire to engage peoples hearts and the minds with the Gospel. Able to tackle a wide range of topics (everything from challenges raised by Muslims to the reliability of the New Testament), Wes has the ability to understand a topic deeply, but also to communicate it simply to a wide range of audiences. With a great experience of both university and church based ministry, of speaking to both Christian and non-Christian audiences, Wes is a powerful advocate for the Gospel who constantly models Peter’s words to “always be willing to give a reason for the hope that we have”.

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Matthijs Trouborst, campus team leader for the University of Ottawa and Carlton University

Matthijs Trouborst, campus team leader for the University of Ottawa and Carlton University

“Wes spoke with great conviction as he engaged with our students in a clear and compelling way. His practical wisdom and examples have helped equip our students to not only stand firm in their aith, but has also given them some important building blocks so that they may winsomely engage their friends, classmates and family in the truth of the Gospel.”

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